Tag Archives: Braces

How Do Braces Fix an Overbite? Unveiling Orthodontic Techniques

content writer/ June 24, 2024/ Dental/ 0 comments

An overbite, characterized by the upper teeth significantly extending over the lower teeth, can pose aesthetic and functional issues. You might ask how do braces fix an overbite? This question opens a discussion on the transformative power of orthodontic treatment for severe overbite. In this article, we will delve into the mechanics behind braces and how they can methodically correct

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Advice on Protruding Teeth After Braces are Removed

imed22/ June 9, 2019/ Dental/ 0 comments

Orthodontic procedures such as braces are an effective option to attain straight teeth and a bright smile. When a person’s teeth get overcrowded, it could cause a number of problems, and this includes difficulty in eating and talking. It’s easy to fix all such issues with the use of braces and the help of orthodontist Hornsby. Once the dentures are straightened, braces are removed. However, flared or protruding teeth could sometimes occur after removing braces. So what’s the solution for protruding teeth after braces are removed?