Buck Teeth: Before and After Braces

imed22/ October 18, 2021/ Dental/ 0 comments

Who does not want to have a beautiful smile? Although all of us can flaunt and express our happiness through our smiles, some feel self-conscious and embarrassed to show their uneven smile. Buck teeth or front teeth protrusion can form naturally or as a result of behaviors like thumb-sucking, tongue pushing, and so on. People may or may not choose to seek treatment for this dental problem or any issue concerning any or all the teeth. Dentists, on the other hand, will explain why protruding or buck teeth should not be overlooked. Check out this link and you can get more information not only about your upper front teeth but also about other dental issues and problems. Misaligned teeth are more than just a dental issue; if left untreated, they can lead to a variety of health issues. You can consult the dentists from Lakeside Dental Studio in Swansea if you want to achieve straighter teeth.

Buck Teeth: How does it Look Like?

Overjet is a condition that occurs once the upper front teeth laterally overlap the lower front teeth. ‘Buck teeth’ is the popular name for this condition. The words ‘overjet’ and ‘overbite’ are sometimes used as interchangeable terms. In an overbite, however, the front teeth overlap the lower teeth vertically.

Buck teeth can be as small as two front teeth that overlap the neighboring lateral incisors slightly. It may be so severe in certain situations that closing the lips over the protruding teeth becomes difficult.



Causes of Buck Teeth

Bunny teeth or protruded front teeth do not appear naturally all the time. There are some reasons why you or your child would develop such teeth growth.

Tongue Thrusting

You have this if there is an atypical tongue posture and deflection from the usual swallowing pattern, as the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAPD) describes. Typically, if the baby’s tongue is pressed on the teeth for brief periods of time, This abnormal positioning would not affect the tooth growth. On the contrary, once you develop the habit of resting your tongue on the front teeth on a regular basis, this practice may result in an open bite or protruded incisors (upper two front teeth).

Thumb Sucking

When your folks cautioned you about the dangers of sucking your thumb, they were speaking the truth. Sucking your thumb, scientifically called non-nutritive sucking behavior (NNSB), is a habit of sucking the finger while the action does not give any nourishment as feeding would.

The sucking action can affect the lips, dentition, upper jaw and palate position, and symmetry. Around the age of 2 to 4 years old, youngsters may typically grow out of the habit. However, responsible parents may need to step in and stop the behavior if the kids do not initiate. For instance, parents can congratulate their children if they go a long time without sucking.

We just have to remember that thumb sucking also poses a symptom of nervousness. Therefore parents should strive to calm their children down so they don’t feel the urge to put their thumb in their mouth.


As we mentioned earlier, teeth protrusion does not necessarily come from acquired actions or habits. Your genes oftentimes dictate how your teeth grow and develop as you age. The natural alignment of your teeth, the spaces your gums have in preparation for your teeth eruption, and the expansion of your jaw and palate directly affect the teeth positioning as they erupt one by one.

One of the most important tips dentists give parents involves seeing the orthodontist as soon as they notice any issue with the way their child’s teeth grow. As your kid reaches the age of 7, he or she should have sought the care of an orthodontist.

Orthodontics for Buck Teeth

braces for buck teethWhen you visit Sure Smile Dental in Coopers Plains, QLD, or any reliable dental clinic near your area, an orthodontist should certainly be able to predict how your child’s bite will develop. Following this visit, the orthodontist will devise a treatment plan to correct the bite and the appearance of your protruding teeth. He finds a way to complement your beautiful smile. He may prepare for braces, which will be fitted between the ages of 8 and 14.

The truth is, treatment is not always essential except if your overbite is significant and giving you pain. If you’re dissatisfied with the look of your teeth, you should seek treatment from a dentist or orthodontic specialist. Since your upper teeth grow in varied sizes and bite patterns, as well as jaw connections, change from individual to individual, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating buck teeth.

Depending on your preferences and circumstance, a dentist or orthodontist selects the appropriate therapeutic strategy for your protruded upper teeth. You may get a simple retainer or a comprehensive orthodontic treatment. All these you can coordinate with your orthodontist.

Treatment options for Protruding Teeth


The most frequent therapy for buck teeth is traditional wire braces and retainers. Many individuals receive braces as children or teenagers to correct the bite and move the lower jaw forward. However, they can also be beneficial to grownups. Dentists connect steel brackets and wires to the teeth and adjust them over time to shift the teeth into a straighter position.

If additional space is needed to correct the teeth, tooth extraction may be advised.

Palate Expanders

Dentists oftentimes use appliances for palate enlargement to treat a child or adolescent with an upper jaw that has little space to accept adult teeth. To use this, your dentist attaches the upper molars to a specific gadget called a palatal expander, a corrector made up of two parts. To enlarge the palate, an expansion screw progressively separates the two parts.

Jaw surgery

Oral surgeons perform orthognathic surgery to correct severe buck teeth issues, like moving the lower jaw and teeth forward. Experts also utilize these to fix the connection between the upper and lower jaws in persons who have stopped developing.

Correcting Permanent Teeth Alignment

orthodontic treatmentOrthodontic braces can help adolescents as young as their formative years or even their adolescents to have straight teeth if the problem is detected early. Adults with buck teeth may benefit from braces or Invisalign aligners as well. These orthodontic appliances aid in the progressive movement of teeth to their proper positions.

Orthodontists use metal brackets and wires as your traditional braces. On the other hand, some prefer using transparent medical-grade plastic trays, known as Invisalign aligners, custom-made to fit your teeth. As a result, parents should seek the advice and treatment of a children’s orthodontist as soon as possible. This is to avoid future difficulties and fix buck teeth or crooked teeth.

You can ask the dentists from Riverlands Dental Richmond if you want perfect looking straight teeth today.


What Causes Buck Teeth (Overbite) and How Do I Treat Them Safely?


What Causes Buck Teeth




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